24 September 2006
Excuses I Should Have Used
23 September 2006
The Hierarchies of Beauty
Cute : attractive, esp. in a dainty way; pleasingly pretty
Beautiful : having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind
Hot : sexy; attractive
Handsome : having an attractive, well-proportioned, and imposing appearance suggestive of health and strength; good-looking (did you know that according to the examples in the dictionary, a woman can be handsome too??)
Pretty : pleasing or attractive to the eye, as by delicacy or gracefulness
16 September 2006
Spinat - Organic vs Processed
13 September 2006
Go figure
There are several points about that sentence that is incorrect. I saw it on the subway recently as an advertisement - yes, you probably have too. I understand that it is a punchline, meant to be used as a 'hook'; hence the symmetrical parts of speech despite its incorrectness. (I think it should be "badly"). Go figure this slogan is used for the School of Visual Arts. ... What's the deal?
06 September 2006
Bandwagon Poetry, The Spot That We Picked

This is the spot that we picked.
This is the bag
That I have to buy to get to the spot that we picked.
This is the pill
That I’ll keep in the bag,
That I have to buy to get to the spot that we picked.
This is the bill
That paid for the pill,
That I’ll keep in the bag,
That I have to buy to get to the spot that we picked.
This is the balance
That came on the bill,
That paid for the pill,
That I’ll keep in the bag,
That I have to buy to get to the spot that we picked.
These are the clothes
That got added to the balance,
That came on the bill,
That paid for the pill,
That I’ll keep in the bag,
That I have to buy to get to the spot that we picked.
These are the hoes
Who priced the clothes,
That got added to the balance,
That came on the bill,
That paid for the pill,
That I’ll keep in the bag,
That I have to buy to get to the spot that we picked.
This is the sucker
Who supports the hoes,
Who priced the clothes,
That got added to the balance,
That came on the bill,
That paid for the pill,
That I’ll keep in the bag,
That I have to buy to get to the spot that we picked.
This is the f*cker
That under-compensates the sucker,
Who supports the hoes,
Who priced the clothes,
That got added to the balance,
That came on the bill,
That paid for the pill,
That I’ll keep in the bag,
That I have to buy to get to the spot that we picked.