14 March 2006

Let's Juba

Pinto or black? Refried?


Ask students to recite or “rap” “Juba,” experimenting with different rhythms and polyrhythmic interplay among
themselves by clapping and drumming with found objects such as pencils and books or juice cans filled with dried beans.

Juba this and Juba that and Juba killed the yellow cat
and get over double trouble Juba, Juba

You sift-a the meal
You give me the husk
You bake-a the bread
You give me the crust
You fry the meat
You give me the skin
And that's where my mama's trouble begin

You just Juba...Juba
Say Juba up
Juba down
Juba all around the town
Juba for Ma
Juba for Pa
Juba for your brother-in-law
You just Juba...Juba

Juba this and Juba that and Juba killed the yellow cat

and get over double trouble Juba, Juba

I'm a good at The Juba. Please see me personally for a demonstration.

good lord, when you told me you used the same templete, i thought you'd at least have the decency to switch it up A LITTLE.

frickin' copy-cat HATAH.
b.w.b. says to that: you should be ah flattered that the template you created is being used.
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