20 June 2006

I Scream, You Scream

I went to an ice cream social today. It was in a parking lot. They are so dumb. There is really nothing social about it, and it makes the event sound very loser adult. Really, you go there either by yourself and just get some ice cream to go... or you go with your very few friends and hang out with them. You don't ever "network" over the frozen dairy. And is it really ever frozen? It's always held in some very hot place or out in the hot sun. I guess that's what prompts the idea-- to cool you down. But it doesn't work if you end up getting just a big bowl of warmed flavored milk. It's like thickened leftover-cereal milk. "That's not an ice cream social. That's a cream social." ... I will not address this point any further ...

I was surprised that today no one came up to me to say, as at least one person usually does, "This is nice, isn't it?" shortly followed by some variation of how everyone likes ice cream. I often laugh politely, but recognize that it's loser adult humor. I think this did not happen because I was particularly not social.

Did I already mention that this event today was held on a hot tarred surface.

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