26 July 2006
Bandwagon Theory II, The Lonely Google
A new search engine of sorts has emerged. And it's for the Fearful Singles. Wedding Channel (www.theweddingchannel.com) and The Knot (www.theknot.com), both online wedding websites, have been a newly-added 'favorite' to the Internet Explorers (and Firefoxes) around town. You can peruse the front page and admire all things pretty while cancelling the incessant pop-ups. And then when you notice the blank field prompting for a name, you think more seriously: "I wonder what my junior high crush is doing now?" Yup, getting married in September 2006. Not invited. But, you tell your friends! Then you work up the nerve to look up your high school fling-- already married, your college boyfriend-- April 2007-- not invited to that one either... and the lactose intolerant guy you were dating back in February who is suddenly marrying a girl who grew up on a dairy farm. You're invited to that one though. ... Um... divorces anyone? Any takers?