16 September 2006
Spinat - Organic vs Processed
I just had some spinach. I like spinach... I LOVE spinach. ("I like Patricia... I LOVE Patricia. Patricia... Patricia makes coffee nervous.") But here's the new dilemma: would you rather tetanus or E-coli? Organic food is great and all, not that I even know what organic means. But why is it that when you buy organic vegetables-- in this case, spinach-- it also comes attached with a pound of dirt? I find that despite having meticulously washed each leaf, I become growingly stressed with each bite because I pray that my teeth won't crack into grains of sand. And that my tongue won't mistakenly caress itself into a hidden pocket of dirt. It's like playing Russian Roulette. I might as well go and lick the garden outside and get it over with. On the other hand, the recent nail-biting outbreak of E-coli causing kidney failure doesn't really appeal to me either. But you are sure to be eating "clean" (dirtless) and smooth spinach. I just got re-vaccinated with a lovely tetanus jab, so as it stands, Organic vs Processed is ironically a matter of Safety vs Pleasure... right?